Digital Marketing Services

Our team of social media and digital marketers are internationally recognized for the remarkable services that they provide.


The Best Digital Marketing Solutions For Your Brand

Just give our digital marketers a call and get on to creating a campaign that will boost your brand recall. We take care of all the digital marketing solutions for your brand, be it designs, content or social media strategy. Our team is powered with thirst of knowledge. One thing that separates us from rest of the digital marketing companies is that we have the expertise to craft a compelling brand right from the scratch.

Pricing Plans

that Work for You!

Bronze Package


  • 1 Social Media Platform (Facebook)
  • Social media account setup
  • Complete Account Management
  • 8 Custom Designed Social Media Posts per month
  • Custom Editorial calendar (Review before publishing)
  • Goal focused Facebook Ad campaigns
  • 1000 Likes on Facebook page
  • End of term report-KPI Comparison & more

Add on: $50 for expedited services

Start Project

Silver Package


  • 2 Social Media Platforms (Facebook/ Instagram)
  • Social media accounts setup
  • Complete Accounts Management
  • 12 Custom Designed Social Media Posts per month
  • Custom Editorial calendar (Review before publishing)
  • Goal focused Facebook and Instagram Ad campaigns
  • Call to action Integration
  • 1200 likes on Facebook page
  • 250 followers on Instagram
  • Monthly Analytic Report-KPI Comparison & more

Add on: $50 for expedited services

Start Project

Gold Package


  • 3 Social Media Platforms (Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter)
  • Social media accounts setup
  • Complete Accounts Management
  • Competitor Analysis – Local and Nationwide
  • 16 Custom Designed Social Media Posts per month
  • Community management – All Community Based Social Networks
  • 1 GIF post per Month
  • Custom Editorial Calendar (Review before publishing)
  • Goal focused Facebook and Instagram Ad campaigns
  • Engagement Tracking Setup
  • Call to action Integration
  • 3000 Likes on Facebook page
  • 500 followers on Instagram
  • Bi-monthly Analytic Report-KPI Comparison & more
  • Dedicated Account Manager

Add on: $50 for expedited services

Start Project

Combo Package


  • 4 Social Media Platforms (Facebook/ Instagram / Twitter/Linkedin)
  • Social media accounts setup
  • Complete Accounts Management
  • Initial Brand Analysis
  • Consumer Persona Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis – Local and Nationwide
  • 18 Custom Designed Social Media Posts per month
  • Community management– All Community Based Social Networks
  • Reputation management
  • Brand Listing-20
  • 2 Gif post per month
  • Custom Editorial Calendar (Review before publishing)
  • Goal focused Facebook and Instagram Ad campaign
  • Engagement Tracking Setup
  • Call to action Integration
  • Facebook Shop Creation
  • 4000 Likes on Facebook page
  • 800 followers on Instagram
  • Weekly Analytic Report -KPI Comparison & more
  • Dedicated Account manager

Add on: $50 for expedited services

Start Project


Contact us to communicate your ideas and queries.

Call us Anytime (213) 314-0919

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Promoting Countless

Brands Across the World

We don’t just develop and facilitate brands; we achieve excellence in what we do. Our experts are not ours; they are yours totally and at your disposal. From web development to Global Tech Houses, you can expect only excellence from our professional team of designers and developers.